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Missions Now

The Names of God

Updated: Feb 3, 2024

For much of 2023, God put the lost on my heart. I've begun to affectionately refer to them as my future brothers and sisters in Christ who right now, are still lost. I spent a lot of time praying for them, as well as missionaries, other evangelists, pastors and workers. I definitely want to continue that, but it seems like God is directing me to spend more time focusing on Him and my relationship with Him. There is no greater blessing than to have a loving relationship with God; I wrote about that here: Along those lines, I’ve been listening to a beautiful song, “More Than Enough” by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. It got me to thinking about doing a little study and writing about the names of God. It’s not comprehensive—just some of my favorites in an order that resonated with me. Here it is:

Old Testament

In the first verse of the Bible, Genesis 1:1, we're introduced to Elohim [God, Mighty Creator]. God is the one who created this world and you and me. This name is in the plural form--it's the first reference to the Trinity. There is one God, but he exists in 3 persons. Thousands of years later, Jesus made this clear as he was giving his final instructions to his disciples, telling them to "...go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..." Notice Jesus said, "all nations." Jesus is not just for the Jews or for western civilization--He loves everyone!

Later, in the book of Genesis, we find more names of God, which help us to better understand his divine nature.

El Elyon  [God Most High]

El Shaddai  [God Almighty]

El Olam  [The Everlasting God]

El Roi  [God Who Sees Us] "My eyes will watch over them for their good..." Jeremiah 24:6. The name, El Roi, is found in Genesis.

In Exodus 3, God appeared to Moses in a burning bush and told Moses, "So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt." Moses asked God's name, and God answered, "Jehovah" [The Lord, I am].

Almost 1400 years later, we read in John 8 that Jesus said, "...before Abraham was born, I am!" Jesus is the God of the Old Testament.

Jehovah M’Kaddesh [The Lord Who Sanctifies Us, Makes Us Holy]

Jehovah Nissi [The Lord, Our Banner] I follow Him! And He is with me in spiritual battle.

Psalm 23:1-4 [Note: Only Jehovah Raah actually appears in Psalm 23. The other names are alluded to.]

The Lord is my shepherd; Jehovah Raah [The Lord, Our Shepherd]

I shall not want. Jehovah Jireh [The Lord Will Provide]

He makes me to lie down in green pastures;

He leads me beside the still waters.

He restores my soul; Jehovah Shalom [The Lord is Peace]

He leads me in the paths of righteousness

For His name’s sake. Jehovah Tsidkenu [The Lord Our Righteousness]

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil;

For You are with me; Jehovah Shammah [The Lord is There]

Jehovah Rapha  [The Lord Who Heals], a perfect healer because one day, He will give us a glorified body, which will never hurt or grow old or die. 1 Corinthians 15:42-57

700 years before Jesus was born, Isaiah prophesied that he would be called Immanuel [God with us] Isaiah 7:14.

500 years before the virgin birth of Jesus, Daniel prophesied about the coming "Son of Man."

“I saw in the night visions,

and behold, with the clouds of heaven

   there came one like a son of man,

and he came to the Ancient of Days 

   and was presented before him.

And to him was given dominion

   and glory and a kingdom,

that all peoples, nations, and languages    

   should serve him;

his dominion is an everlasting dominion, 

   which shall not pass away,

and his kingdom one 

   that shall not be destroyed." Daniel 7:13-14

Son of Man... This is the name that Jesus most often used when referring to himself. By this, Jesus made it clear that not only was he a man, descended from Adam, but he was also the promised Messiah. And that's how he is introduced in the first verse of the New Testament, Matthew 1:1, as "Jesus the Messiah."When Jesus asked Peter, "Who do you say I am," Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God." Jesus was both fully man and fully God.

New Testament

"The Word" John 1

"Jesus Christ" John 1:17

“The Savior of the World” John 4:42

Jesus called himself:

"The Bread of Life" John 6:35

"The Light of the World" John 8:12

"I am" John 8:58

“The Good Shepherd” who lays down his life for the sheep. John 10:11

"The Resurrection and the Life" "The one who believes in me will live, even though they die." John 11:25

"The Way, the Truth and the Life" "No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

He was the perfect sacrifice for our sins.

"...A lamb without blemish or defect." 1 Peter 1:19

"...The Lamb, who was slain" Revelation 5:12

"The Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29

“The Alpha and the Omega” Revelation 1:8

“King of Kings and Lord of Lords” Revelation 19:16

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