YOU can participate right now in the Great Commission! You can share your testimony and the Gospel with people around you. Maybe God wants you to lead/facilitate a small group study on missions. It can be a home group, men's or women's Bible study, Sunday School class, etc. A small group study is an excellent way to mobilize others.

The following lessons were developed by a home group at the Summit Church of Little Rock. The group included people with short- and long-term missions experience, as well as experience serving locally and abroad.
Lesson 1: What is missions? Not everyone is a missionary, but EVERYONE can and should participate in the Great Commission. 5 categories of participation. Begin praying for the lost.
Lesson 2: Missions Throughout the Bible
Lesson 3: The Harvest is Plentiful
Lesson 4: Serve Now, Where You Are
Lesson 5: More Ways to Serve Now & Praying for Missionaries, Evangelists, Pastors and other Workers.
Lesson 6: The Importance of Perseverance
Lesson 7: So, Now What?
Lesson ?: Invite a guest speaker or two to address the group and answer questions. This could be a missionary or someone who has found ways to participate in the Great Commission locally--maybe both.
Lessons 1-7 Google Slides Link
Lessons 1-7 PDF Document
Lessons 1-7 PowerPoint Presentation (The other 2 formats work better than this one.)
101 Ways to Impact the World PDF Document